Useful chrome extensions for designers

A collection of excellent Google Chrome extensions to make your life as a designer (or even as a developer) easier!

ColorZilla Google Chrome Extension (Source: Chrome Web Store)


Useful plugin that offers an advanced colour picker, gradient generator and other neat goodies related to web colours
ColorZilla - Chrome Web Store

Svg-Grabber (Source: Chrome Web Store)

Svg Grabber

A tool that let’s you quickly preview and download all svg assets such as system icons, logos and illustrations from any website you wish
svg-grabber - get all the svg’s from a site - Chrome Web Store

Muzli (Source: Chrome Web Store)


An inspiration feed (Pinterest like) but more advanced for your new tab. Filled with daily updated news from your favourite sources brining you everything UI, UX and interactive news and shots from around the web. All the design inspiration you need.
Muzli Design Inspiration

VisBug App used on Google homepage


Open source web design debug tools built with JavaScript: a FireBug for designers. The tool lets you edit any website in a point and click UI, similar to your design tools
VisBug - Chrome Web Store

WhatFont Preview (Source: Chrome Web Store)


Simple and easy tool to quickly identify the fonts used on a website
WhatFont - Chrome Web Store

Web Developer Extension Menu (Source: Chrome Web Store)

Web Developer

A toolbar of extremely useful developer tools to easily check for bugs, images and so much more
Web Developer - Chrome Web Store